
Quality Policy

To pursue Dumarey Group Vision and Mission, Dumarey Automotive Italia Torino, Dumarey Softronix and Dumarey Propulsion Solutions are committed to implement and accurate maintain the Quality Management System (as requirement of UNI EN ISO9001-2015) to provide robustness to our processes and constant delivery of products and services, fully respecting legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements, in line with customer expectations and any interested parties.

Quality Policy main directions are:

  • Understanding Customer needs and creating a long-term Partnership with our customers and suppliers to launch innovative solutions for the fast-changing market on mobility, in the direction of ecological transition
  • Looking for excellence and resilient approach to face challenges
  • Keeping flexibility and agility in everything we do
  • Moving faster from concept to production, with safety, environment, quality and cost under control

Policy Objectives

  • Quality Management System (QMS) is designed to:
    • Respond to legal, technical requirements our Company, products and services are submitted to
    • Comply with UNI EN ISO9001-2015 requirements
    • Respond to any Company policy and rules Dumarey Automotive Italia defined to operate and guarantee business integrity.
  • Extend and integrate Dumarey Automotive Italia affiliated processes into the QMS scope with the following roadmap:
    • 2023 Dumarey Automotive Italia
  • Promote a constructive and trustable partner relationship (with customers and suppliers) to deepen customer expectations understanding, to select suppliers in line with Company values and constantly increase customer satisfaction
  • Ensure resource availability, information and competences to allow QMS to properly operate through its processes, roles and responsibilities and periodic controls to assure constant quality for our deliverables and final products and service
  • Train and develop our people on new and necessary skills and competences, providing framework and goals to their role within the Organization
  • Promote values and behaviors in line with Company Vision to support Company goals, in order to feed employee engagement and accountability
  • Promote lean process approach to maximize productivity, minimize waste, reducing lead time and cost to reach and improve product and service quality
  • Protect the customer providing:
    • our product with no defects, taking care of the entire material flow and assure non-conformity materials are promptly identified, tracked and segregated, thanks to technical requirements and rules of acceptances
    • our services “error proof”: taking care of design, experimental data, analysis results through risk assessment and FMEA tools, methods and defined controls points at various stages of development of the activity
  • Pursue continual improvement approach on processes, products and services we provide, through Quality Department expertise & support to the whole Organization, periodic controls and training to employees on methods and tools
  • Define periodic internal audits to assure QMS is effective and efficient, identify possible non-conformity or areas of improvement in order to correct and improve the System, in line with ISO9001-2015 requirements
  • Quality Policy is revised annually to capture Company goals and organizational changes that may occur and impacting overall QMS

Functional Directors and Managers are requested to share the Quality Policy within their Staffs and promote activities to implement above quality objectives, to reach company goals and identify and communicate to QMS any opportunity for improvement for the overall System.

Quality Policy will be available electronically in the QMS internal SharePoint, Dumarey Automotive Italia/Dumarey Softronix/Dumarey Propulsion Solutions website and other material boards around the building.

Information security policy

Dumarey Automotive Italia Spa and its affiliated Companies (below reported as overall “Dumarey”) information are our most important assets and must be protected.

Information can be physical and/or electronic or otherwise form and it’s related to Dumarey business, created or acquired using its resources. Dumarey information can have different forms, such as product plans, vehicle designs, product prototypes, strategy documents, business records, non-business records, pricing information, financial or technical data, and in general as text, sound or image files and can be found in numerous locations and storage devices (as per Dumarey “Criteri di conservazione ed archiviazioni dati”). Dumarey information is owned or licensed by Dumarey Automotive Italia or its affiliated, wherever it exists.

All users of Dumarey information must be aware of its value and take accountability of their responsibility to protect it.

This Information Security Policy provides high-level directions and objectives to protect information security based on three fundamental concepts:

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability

Illegal, unauthorized, or unethical disclosure, modification, misuse, or disposal of Dumarey information is prohibited.

In case of breach to company information asset, Dumarey can successfully protect its information, its business and its reputation, by taking appropriate legal action, including the involvement of government authorities for civil or criminal prosecution.

The current policy applies to Dumarey Automotive Italia, Dumarey Softronix and Dumarey Propulsion Solutions (below called “Companies”)  In order to ensure proper application to the 3 companies, here below the split of processes and infrastructure ownership:

  • Dumarey Automotive Italia focus on design, development, integration and validation of propulsion systems. Its Finance, IT, HR, Legal, Sales&Marketing, Labs-Pre-Production&Facility Operations, Supplier Management, Technical Product Certification and Quality business units also provide services to Dumarey Softronix and Dumarey Propulsion Solutions.
  • Specific processes of Dumarey Softronix: design, development, validation of embedded controls systems (HW, SW).
  • Specific processes of Dumarey Propulsion Solutions: development, engineering, integration and sale of Energy Storage, Propulsion Systems based on Hydrogen Technologies.
  • IT Infrastructure, Legal and Compliance requirements and Information Security System requirements are centralized in Dumarey Automotive Italia and provided to the 3 companies.

The complete policy can be found here: PUNCH ISO27001 Information Security Policy NEW

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